Yes, but beware, there seems to be various flavours of this rubber mesh material.

I used a black material which has now permanently left it's mesh fingerprint on top of a rather expensive rig.

Impossible to remove the fingerprint!

I'm now very wary of using this stuff and wouldn't dream of letting it near my K3, well maybe underneath is OK.

But do not... put certain brands of this rubbery mesh on top of a surface you really care about, without testing it out!

I have no idea of the chemical composition of this stuff, but you have been warned...

73, Deni

Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:
A bit of the rubbery mesh material sold in most stores carrying household
goods that is intended to keep plates and things from sliding off of shelves
works *great*!
I got a roll in California a decade or more ago. They have to consider the
problem of regular earthquakes knocking things about but I understand it's
available just about everywhere these days.
A piece under my bug and  paddles works wonders too! They stay put like they
weighed 100 lbs.
I have found that the stuff works best of one cleans the surface first. I
very small amount of dust helps defeat it's ability to grip a smooth

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