On Thursday 03 July 2008 13:17:59 Bob Serwy wrote:
> I am curious.  What is the significance of 21.5 WPM?

The settings on the speed control knob are a step change.
I am asking if the size of the step change can be reduced from 1 wpm to .5 wpm 
Maybe I should be requesting that the character speed setting should be halved 
and indicated in .5 steps because the speed control knob actually controls 
the character speed.
The actual overall wpm is set by the sender depending on the timing of the gap 
between each character and each word.
I hope that I have now clarified just what I am requesting :-)

The Logikeyer changes the character speed on a linear scale which gives the 
operator greater control and flexibility.

Charles - M0BIN
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