This is what I posted yesterday. You might look back in the Elecraft archives for similar postings from others: I do agree with Simon about verticals , if you are *close* to the wet, they will perform exceedingly well. My antenna is very simple, just wire.

It's temporary, but works fine for now.

I drilled 2 holes in the bedroom wall and slid 2 lengths of nylon tube
therein, they stick out a few inches outside.  A piece of 450 ladder line
about 3 ft or so goes from the PL in the rig to a connector block on the
inside wall and the 2 wires from outside feed thro to that.  Height above
ground is about 15ft at this point.  One wire goes to the bottom of the
garden about 3ft up, then thro a rt angle for about 6ft rising to 4ft or so.
The other wire bends at about 80deg and drops to 8ft at the garage barge
board, then thro rt angle down between the houses to a tree at the front,
about 6ft up.  Wire is 20swg SnCu used on several projects.  BTW no rf or
any other kind of earth on rig.  Occasionally hear US 80m ssb early morning.

No balun; after initial tuning the K3 remembers its settings and changes
instantly on band change.  I think I asked it to fine tune on a couple of
freqs but can't remember which.  I'll try this for the cubscouts with longer
feeder for JOTA and see how it works inverted V style.


I'm setting up a station after many years absence from Amateur Radio and hope you may be able to help. I would appreciate other users experiences of antennas they have connected to the K3 ATU and any opinions on the best antenna to use with the K3.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
With kind regards to all,
Allen J. Gawne, Keristal House, Port Soderick, Isle of Man IM4 1BJ Telephone 01624 624869 or 07624 461975
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