My doublet ladder line feeds straight into the K3 without external tuner. Why use another box?


Because I already had the SGC-230 mounted outside.

And my K3 was ordered with no tuner because I already had the SGC-230.

(The Cobra Ultralite needs a tuner.)

Paul N4LCD

> >Just passing along some information that might be of interest.
> >I have the K3 with the auto tuner built in.  My antenna is a
Cobra Ultralite
> >fed with ladder line. I can switch between a Johnson Matchbox and a > >BL2
> >balun/KAT3 to feed the antenna. I previously had adjusted the feedline
> >length so that the Matchbox would find a 1 to 1 match on all bands 80
> >through 10 including 30, 17, and 12 meters. I have received many
good signal
> >reports on all bands with either matching system.
> >
> ><snip>
> >
> >Happy 4th of July.
> >
> >73,
> >
> >John W2XS
> I have the same antenna, the Cobra Ultralite with window line, and
> simply connect the two ends of the window line to an SGC-230
> automatic tuner which is
> mounted outside.  I have the tune power of the K3 set to 3 Watts.  No
> balun required.  Works great, 80 through 10.
> Paul N4LCD

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