Good Evening,
   Wow, that was noisy!  My ears are still ringing after my walk.  Tomorrow's 
chainsaw work will seem pleasant in comparison.  Trying to find the weak 
signals on 40 meters was not easy.  It did not help that I kept hearing dits 
and dahs in the noise.  I did hear a few requests for my rain to move further 
south.  Seems like the weather in California is above 80 degrees.  I have only 
seen the temperature that high a couple times this year.  This week it is still 
raining every morning with sun coming out around noon.  I will have enough wood 
ready for two years soon if this weather keeps up.  The prediction is for mid 
to low 70s until Thursday.  This is probably why the QRN is so high.  Luckily 
during the Flight of the Bumblebees it was not so bad.  I tried all of the 
bands but only 20 and 40 meters gained me any contacts.  Still learning N1MM 
which is much nicer than paper logging.  Much nicer than any other logging 
program I have ever used too!  The approximately 400 pages of documentation is 
too much to work through so I take it a little at a time.  

   On to the lists =>

On 14050 kHz at 2300z:
W6ZH - Pete - CA - K3 - 657
K9DMV - Joe - IL - K2 - 5628
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457
KL7CW - Rick - AK - KX1 - 798   * QNI #130 *
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K3 - 75
K7GIM - Dave - AZ
KS7D - Mike - FL - K3 - 118
W6JD - Doug - CA - K3 - 23

On 7045 kHz at 0200z:
WC7S - Dale - WY - K2 - 4360
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457     ** QNI #235 **
N1AL - Al - CA - K3 847           QNI #5!
W6ZH - Pete - CA - K3 - 657     * QNI #130 *
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K3 - 1183
K9DMV - Joe - IL - K2 - 5628
N7AF - Dave - AZ - K2 - 4795
KL7CW - Rick - AK - KX1 - 768
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866

   Hopefully the above lists are correct.  If not please send the changes to me 
via email.  As the second net was progressing the noise increased 
proportionately.  I am going to continue to take advantage of the very mild 
weather to do a little hiking.  I will also pack all the material for the roof 
up there now so I don't have to do so when the temperatures are in the 80s.  I 
expect it will get warmer when the dry season gets underway but that has yet to 
happen.  Fireweed just started blooming if that gives you any idea of the 
season up here.  Lots of errands to run this week so I had better get my home 
chores done tonight.  Thus saying I am off (more than you'll ever know :)  
   Have a good week and stay well,
         Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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