On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 09:16:11 -0600, "Bob Cunnings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Sidetone level should be independently adjustable IMO.
>I use headphones. When operating QSK, if I've run up the AF gain to
>hear a weak station, I don't want to be blasted by high sidetone level
>when I start sending, as would be the case if sidetone level tracked
>the AF gain.  I don't want to have to adjust the AF gain control
>between sending and receiving under those circumstances to control the
>sidetone level.
>Bob NW8L

Sorry Bob for deleting you response in my first reply.  Your explanation is spot


After reading all the posts to date on this topic, I have decided what my
opinion is:

Go ahead and change it, but if you do, please add another feature that allows
myself and others who would surely not like it at all, to turn the "feature"

I'm a 63 year old, 46 year CW operator and CW SWL buff, military trained.

Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

"Those who would give up 
Essential Liberty to 
purchase a little Temporary 
Safety deserve neither 
Liberty nor Safety" 

An excerpt from a letter 
written in 1755 from the 
Assembly to the Governor 
of Pennsylvania.

Support the entire Constitution, not 
just the parts you like.


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