On my XP laptop I run two USB to serial adapters. I took the precaution of buying two of the same type as Windows tries to install a driver every time you plug one in a port that hasn't had one plugged in previously... Using just one type means less hassle setting it all up. I've labelled my all USB ports as "Comm 4", "Comm 2", etc. and they always seem to use the same port number, mostly I plug in an adapter after Windows is up and running. I run a logging program on one port and a GPRS phone for DX Cluster access on the other. I use the laptop out portable and it all seems to work fine. Maybe Vista is more fussy but I thought it was supposed to be an improvement over XP?

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80
I wonder if there's a way to tell this thing to be the same COM port
each time I plug it in? My computer is a fairly new Dell laptop running
Vista. As recommended, I let Vista go out and find the best driver for
it on the web.

73--Nick, WA5BDU
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