I''ve been playing with my K3 (#1255) for a week now and I'm getting the
feel of the controls.  Everything is OK but I'm still working on the
settings of the NB and the NR.
Firmware 2.23 / 1.88
Now about NR.
I receive a S9 pulse from an electric fence. Getting rid of this was
easy with the NB of a FT1000MP, is impossible to get rid of with the K2
(still unmodified) NB and....
the pulse is very much suppressed (not totally) in the K3 !  Wow.
Thinking about earlier threads about static noise and beating the "Rob
Sherwood test on dsp radio's" on that subject, I found the reason: AGC
PLS is on. Boy, lucky me!
Switching off the AGC PLS brings back the electric fence pulse on S9.
So let's try the NB of the K3 on this.
IF NAR 1-7: no good result
IF MED 5: pulse pretty much gone, but...
IF WID 4: pulse pretty much gone, but...
DSP 1-1 to 3-4: very little result
So I'm able to suppress the pulse with the NB or with the AGP PLS
The thing that worries me (and here is the but...)  is that when I'm
using the NB, setting in IF NAR/WID/WID x, and x>4, introduces noise and
signals that are not there without the NB on.
So settings 5, 6 and 7 seem useless here.
Anybody experiencing the same? Or did I miss something?
Arie PA3A
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