Hello all QRPers,

While this isn't a QRP Event, QRPers are encourged to enter!

This is an early announcement to all GORC Members to keep an eye or ear
out for the GORC Iditarod 2009 Challenge! What is it? How do I enter it?
What is the prize? Yes, many questions that will come soon.

What is it? -- It's a race around the world during the winter months on
your "dog sled." The race will take place through the frozen parts of
the world as you "mush" your way across the globe. 

Don't worry you won't have to actually race a dog sled, but you will
have to make contacts around the world!

GORC Iditarod 2009 Challenge

Date: 11/01/08 to 03/31/09
Bands: 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m
Modes: SSB, CW, PSK31
Power: 100w or less 


All mushers MUST make one qso in each country in the proper order. No
musher shall advance to the next station (country) without first
contacting 1, then 2 then 3 etc. 

All mushers must sign up before October 1, 2007. No late entries will be
allowed to mush. Your sled will be your radio and the power output you
use. Your dogs will be your antennas! The more power you use, the
heavier the sled and the less points you will receive for each contact.
Heavy antennas mean heavy dogs and less points! You may stay at each
station as long as you like and make contacts, but remember, this is a
race and the earlier you finish the more points you will receive at the
finish. Also any contacts made while you are portable count extra! You
don't have to finish the course, but you'll loose lots of points.

All Mushers will receive a nice certificate upon FINISHING the course. 
First Place will receive a beautiful ICE-Like Trophy! GORC Members are
extra points! 

To enter all mushers must fill out an entry form that will soon be
placed on the GORC Website http://www.wa3wsj.org/GORC.html

(I'll be busy preparing my dogs and sled) 

More details later!
The Big GORC

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