We seem to have missed the October 1, 2007 sign up
date by 9 months already!

--- "Edward R. Breneiser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello all QRPers,
> While this isn't a QRP Event, QRPers are encourged
> to enter!
> This is an early announcement to all GORC Members to
> keep an eye or ear
> out for the GORC Iditarod 2009 Challenge! What is
> it? How do I enter it?
> What is the prize? Yes, many questions that will
> come soon.
> What is it? -- It's a race around the world during
> the winter months on
> your "dog sled." The race will take place through
> the frozen parts of
> the world as you "mush" your way across the globe. 
> Don't worry you won't have to actually race a dog
> sled, but you will
> have to make contacts around the world!
> GORC Iditarod 2009 Challenge
> Date: 11/01/08 to 03/31/09
> Bands: 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m
> Modes: SSB, CW, PSK31
> Power: 100w or less 
> 1.Canada
> 2.Alaska
> 3.Russia
> 4.Finland
> 5.Sweden
> 6.Norway
> 7.Iceland
> 8.Greenland
> All mushers MUST make one qso in each country in the
> proper order. No
> musher shall advance to the next station (country)
> without first
> contacting 1, then 2 then 3 etc. 
> All mushers must sign up before October 1, 2007. No
> late entries will be
> allowed to mush. Your sled will be your radio and
> the power output you
> use. Your dogs will be your antennas! The more power
> you use, the
> heavier the sled and the less points you will
> receive for each contact.
> Heavy antennas mean heavy dogs and less points! You
> may stay at each
> station as long as you like and make contacts, but
> remember, this is a
> race and the earlier you finish the more points you
> will receive at the
> finish. Also any contacts made while you are
> portable count extra! You
> don't have to finish the course, but you'll loose
> lots of points.
> All Mushers will receive a nice certificate upon
> FINISHING the course. 
> First Place will receive a beautiful ICE-Like
> Trophy! GORC Members are
> extra points! 
> To enter all mushers must fill out an entry form
> that will soon be
> placed on the GORC Website
> http://www.wa3wsj.org/GORC.html
> (I'll be busy preparing my dogs and sled) 
> More details later!
> 72/73,
> Ed, WA3WSJ
> The Big GORC
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