I didn't put any of the boards in cartons - left them in the bags
until needed.
Everything else was bonded to earth (via correct leads with 1M ohn
resistors), so that is mat, me via wrist strap and the motherboard and
then chassis.
I also used cardboard cartons
73 de M0XDF, K3 #174
I believe I found the missing link between animal and civilized man.
It is
us. -Konrad Lorenz, ethologist, Nobel laureate (1903-1989)
On 28 Aug 2008, at 13:47, George wrote:
Are not most egg cartons these days made of polystyrene or something
similiar? If so, doesn't that material cause ESD?? Seems to me it
I have avoided the use of that type, thinking that the answers to
both questions is yes. Can anyone confirm this? I am certainly no
expert on ESD.
It also seems to me that even if even if you only store hardware
items in them, simply touching the carton or sliding your fingers
across that material could generate ESD. Am I overconcerned?
I really like using egg cartons for part sorting, but I use the ones
made from what looks like a molded grey paper material, which I
think is less likely to cause ESD. And to keep them from flipping
over, I glue them to a piece of 1/4" plywood, which has a footprint
a little larger than the egg carton. You can also write the
hardware description on the plywood underneath each cell. I used
the molded paper ones when building the K2, the K3, and several
other kits with no discernable ESD problem so far.
Another question for the experts on this subject: Are the semi
ridgid plastic partitioned trays you find in places which sell
fishing stuff safe? I have used them, and experienced no problems
to my knowledge.
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