Wow, Mike! 

Have you told them? They'd like to know and you'll get a nice 'QSL' from the
Grand Dame of KPH, Denise Stoops (the first female operator there). She
sends "QSLs" out on original RCA radiogram forms as long as the supply left
over from full time station ops lasts in response to an SASE. 

They put in a nice signal here, but I'm only 600 miles away. On the other
hand, I'm close enough that I've managed to be at the station for one of
their "night of nights" activities. That's a special bit of nostalgia for me
since I used to chat with them on the air from ships visiting San Francisco
Bay while testing the shipboard CW gear. 

For those here on the reflector without MF capability, KPH also transmits CW
and RTTY on various HF frequencies and is active as K6KPH on several Ham
bands, usually on 7050, 14050 and 21050 kHz and occasionally on 3550 kHz. 

There's more info about the facilities, stations in operation and
frequencies used on: 


-----Original Message-----

Interesting Ron.....and,as a matter of interest, on the 'Night of 
Nights', I've copied KPH, on 426kHz, here in the far north of NZ's North 
Island, for several years now.
73 de Mike, zl1mh.

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