Andrew, the lower band edge of my K3 is 5.150 MHz and the upper 5.420 MHz (PTT below/above that results in an "END" messge and no TX)... I don't know why you would need a "fix". Is your K3 different? Mine has the KBPF3 fitted, but I've checked the above with it disabled and it works with/without the KBPF3 enabled.

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80 firmware 2.38

I find that I cannot access three of the UK 5MHz channels, FA, FB and FC
being 5,258.5, 5,278.5 and 5,288.5 KHz respectively. Presumably they fall
outside the programmed 5MHz Band edges.

Does anyone know if there is a fix for this ?

Andrew, m0gjh
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