I've had a FT-1000D since the early 90's...the only change I've made is I got rid of an older one and got a newer one that was cosmetically prettier. It is still on the desk. I intend to keep both radios...so I'm not prejudiced for one radio versus the other because of the one I have sitting on the desk.

I have done A/B tests with both radios...and I can honestly tell you that I have worked two very weak stations on the K3 that I could not work on the 1000D because I could copy them on the K3 and not the 1000D. I could tell the signal was there but it was not intelligible -- one on 20 meters and one on 40 meters...switching the same antennas back and forth between the two radios. Pluses for the 1000D -- Yes, the feel of the knob is nicer. I like the APF for cw work on the 1000D. The sound of the radio in the speaker is fuller than the K3 with the RX equalizer set "flat" on the K3. I can make them sound almost identical by adjusting the RX equalizer on the K3. The 1000D is 200 watts. The 1000D has "band buttons". The 1000D has a real analog meter...I happen to prefer that. Pluses for the K3 -- It is easier to move around on the desk and get plugs in and out of the back; The selectivity / DSP in the K3 is a WOW! compared to the shift/width control on the 1000D; the tx test mode on the K3 is handy for adjusting things without actually transmitting a signal; the cwt and auto spot feature is pretty slick; it will be nice when they have the DVR available; I like the way the RIT and XIT CLR button works. You get new features every time Elecraft responds to a new "wish list" item; the ability to remember power levels by band is unique and I find it very useful. I think I get less blocking with the K3 from loud local than I do on the 1000D -- that's perception, not measurement. The K3 has 6 meters on it. The K3 can be adjusted to low power levels much more accurately and lower than the 1000D. If I were going to keep one and get rid of the other, my vote would be to keep the K3...but both radios are very nice. YMMV.

As far as I'm concerned there is one more factor that is overwhelmingly in favor of Elecraft....the customer service....not to mention that if I have to send a radio in for service the 1000D weighs in right at 70 lbs while the K3 would be 10 or less with all the packing...The chance of UPS crunching your 1000D is far greater than crunching the K3 if F=MA is still true...:-) (OK all you physicists can tell me why that is incorrect...I'm too old and too crotchety to care any more.) 73 de Greg-N4CC

At 07:47 AM 9/10/2008, Chris Parnell wrote:

Hmmmm as funny as that may be (and it is... :) )... anyone got any decent views on this request please?

On 10/09/2008, at 10:56 PM, G4MKP wrote:

Thanks mate! I’m also available for ‘Character Witness’ appearances in most court case…….

Ok then, the VFO knob on the K3 is crap compared to the 2000.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [<mailto:Elecraft_>mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Simon Brown (KNS)
Sent: 10 September 2008 11:42
Subject: Re: [Elecraft_K3] K3 vs FT1000D

The Elecraft award for the best marketing slogan of 2008 goes to...


Simon Brown, HB9DRV

----- Original Message -----


After switching on the K3 for the first time, the next time I switched on the 2000 was to demonstrate it to the buyer when I sold it.

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