
If that is the case, please tell us what specific transceivers you have used.

Split allows on to transmit on the VFO B frequency (and mode?) while non-split operation transmits on VFO A.

My K3 works like that, my K2 works like that, as do my Yaesu FT-900 and FT-847.
I don't believe anything else is needed or desired - and I want it that way.

I do not want SPLIT to change the VFO B contents in any way. None of my radios do that and I am quite happy with it that way.

What would *you* like the SPLIT button to do?


Brian Alsop wrote:
Most of you are missing the issue.

The issue is that pressing SPLIT should do it all in one press. The three past rigs I've owned from the big three all did this.
It isn't about A>B once or twice.

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