I don't know if we're talking about the same diode.

The broken diode is not in the bridge used to measure fwd/rfl power.

I'm talking about D3, connecting the output of the buffer op-amp U2A to the
RFDET/DATA pin on P2. I don't know what it's for (what is RFDET/DATA ? I don't
have the K1 schematics right here).

I suppose I'll use a low-drop schottky, like 1N5711,

thanks to everyone for the advice


matthias HB9EGM

Tom Hammond wrote:
> Matthias:
>> The 1N34 diode on my KAT has its glass broken.  With what kind of
>> diode can I
>> replace it?  What kind of characteristics does it need?
> In most instances a 1N5711 will be an acceptable replacement. But
> diodes, not just the broken one. Important to have similar diodes on each
> side of the bridge.
> 73,
> Tom Hammond   N0SS
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