After clicking on a packet spot which put the K3 in split mode with VFO B up 1 Khz I now find that pressing Rev and tuning, simultaneously changes BOTH VFOs. If I release the Rev button and tune my VFO A then VFO B simultaneously changes by the same amount. Move A up 1.1 Khz, then VFO B also moves up 1.1 Khz. Never did this before and cannot find a way to unlock this tracking behavior. The only thing I find relevant in the K3 User Manual is Config: VFO B>A which displays "Function" but I cannot change this to anything else by rotating the VFO A knob.

This behavior only exists on the 20M band - it goes away on all other bands. I have turned the radio off and back on and no change. I know it must be a QLF on my part but danged if I can figure it out. Any suggestions?

TIA & 73,
Ron N6EE

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