K7TV wrote:
> Are you referring to the K3's ability to display audio output level in mV
> or "dbV"?
> While mere signal reports can reasonably be given by ear, I have
> measurement in my blood and really appreciate that K3 capability.
I think signal reports are more politics or psychology than science. If
someone gives me 599 it's only good manners to send 599 back. It's just the
way I was brought up. :) If they send something other than 599 then I
realise that they are actually giving me a real report, so I try to give
them a real one back. But since signals can often vary from S7 to S9+20 over
the period of a QSO I think the idea of giving realistic signal reports is
actually unachievable anyway.
Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392 K3 #222.
http://www.g4ilo.com/ G4ILO's Shack http://www.ham-directory.com/ Ham
Directory http://www.g4ilo.com/kcomm.html KComm for Elecraft K2 and K3
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