Very good points, Julius, 
  One of the mistakes that I make, and I hear being made is the feeling of not 
being able to be heard.
That just works against us. Qro has the "advantage" of thinking powerful.. qrp, 
knows the power is in 
the operator and the props. Now.. we also know we can't control the props.. 
so.. the best we can do is take 
advantage of, and use to the best the props as they are. The second most 
important tool that we all have
is the quality of operator... if you aren't as good as you want to be.. then 
that is correctable... but we 
must not "feel" poor op... feel GOOD op.. 
  One doesn't have to work through a pile, with out learning a lot.. how did 
the successful ones do it different?
How did they get through and you didn't? How did you and they didn't.. and one 
thing to note... as you get better
take a not of how many QRO ops you pass.... it is a real blast to blow through 
the pileup, leaving stations calling, by being there at the right time, and 
with the exact set of skills to getter done. 
  Oh.. and one last thing.... one may not assume that all signals are 
reciprical. He is loud, therefore I am loud.. ok... he is weak, therefore I 
will be weak to him... not true.. 
he is loud, I am weak... WHAT??????
He is weak, I may be loud, if his beam is looking the other way.... and you say 
no one has beams on the low bands? 
Don't assume that one either... or I will miss you, and so will a number of 
other ops. --... ...-- Dale - WC7S in Wy>
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