As a long time ham,  I have owned many rigs like most of you here.  I got my
K3 about three weeks ago and very impressed with, so much so I will be
selling a rig and buying another K3 with a bit different configuration than
my current K3 to use here but also, mainly, to use at a second QTH.  I
really would like to try diversity reception and my other QTH is perfect for
that  -- a lot of acreage for various other receiving antennas.

My question is simple, I think.  Can I use the K3 Utility on my computer for
firmware updating of two K3s?  I am guessing the Utility will differentiate
the two radios due to different SNs and it just looks at what firmware it
has and what updates are available for each radio.  But I am wondering if
different folders on my computer will be required to store the update
information via the Utility program.  Also, is it possible to upload the
configuration I have for my present K3 to the second K3 that I am seriously
considering? --- well more than considering -- have just about made up my
mind to get the second one.  The 7700 will be looking for a new home.

Thanks and 73,
Greg K2UM
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