Doug, was that directed at me or Ed?
I don't believe Adobe Reader can
73 de M0XDF, K3 #174
Ok, so what's the speed of Dark?

On 22 Jan 2009, at 21:26, Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604 wrote:

>   From: "Ed Muns" <>
>   Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 12:43:07 -0800
>> I would like to request that when new software is released
>> that contains additions or modifications to the CONFIG menu,
>> that the complete CONFIG menu (not just the additions) be
>> made available on the website for substitution in whatever
>> manual version we have. That way, the important (and easily
>> forgotten) MENU information will all be together in one place.
>   OTOH, having the incremental errata sheet allows one to cut it up  
> and paste
>   into the manual.  This retains the Elecraft characteristic of kit- 
> building.
> Can you do this with the .pdf file, and the standard reader?
> Both approachs have their advantages- diff's for paper, reissue for
> electronic media.

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