My MP has those bumps also, and it's full of INRAD's.

With only a minor amount of Spectrogram investigation in my K3, I see a 2db 
variation across the passband in the 2.7 filter.  It is easily seen on RX, 
particularly if one lies about how wide it is to put the DSP out at 4.0 
whilst being confined only by the 2.7 roofing filter.  Further the 2.7 
filters on my 2 RX K3's have nearly identical response, and the order of the 
bumps reverses perfectly when I go from DATA to DATA REV.  Whether that 
would be more predictable with a 2.8 8 pole filter would depend.  I don't 
own one so cannot comment. (The shape of the two 2.7's are closer than the 
shapes on the two 1.8's.)

Therefore, without TX EQ set only for DATA mode, power will vary up and down 
depending on the filter when using a fixed segment audio width of the band 
and letting the PSK program pick the transmit audio tone.

I note that me ears cannot detect changes in the mid-passband.  What I hear 
when shifting RX passband is the drop or addition of lows and highs as the 
passband *skirts* move.  This is to enforce that for SSB, the passband 
ripple cannot be heard.

The data mode transmit exposes what the ear cannot hear only because 
operators apparently look for variability less than half a db.  Given the 
characteristics of some amplifier tubes and the sudden onset of grid 
saturation and high current, etc, the desire to control power is 

Given the circumstances, would seem to be an interesting idea to have a data 
mode only TX eq that flattens out the filter *and properly flips* for data 
rev mode.  It would remain to be seen, though whether introduction of the 
equalization does anything negative to transmitted IMD.

Approaching it from the other direction, Wayne & Co seem reluctant to 
embrace any automatic leveling of data mode transmitted power. It would seem 
on the surface that data is far more predictable than SSB, that a quick 
attack, slow release and clamped-across-RX-state auto gain adjustment would 
work well. There may be a lot more to it than that, but this too seems a 
good idea.

73, Guy.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kok Chen" <>
To: "elecraft list" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 Beta firmware rev. 2.82

> On Feb 15, 2009, at 2/15    8:58 AM, Guy Olinger, K2AV wrote:
>> Taking the DATA A readings below at face value, the more than 2 db
>> bump
>> around 1000 Hz is rather startling. I'm not sure what could cause
>> that, but
>> at least to me that seems to be screaming for an explanation.
>> There's an
>> old fireman's adage "never go past fire" to keep from being trapped
>> by fire
>> closing around behind.
> While I agree that a 2 dB bump is really, really bad for us guys who
> use frequency-agile digital transmission, this phenomenon is not
> restricted to just the K3.
> The FT-1000MP has a similar 3 dB peak when you select PKT (i.e.,
> AFSK); and, like the K3, the rig is flat when using voice SSB
> modes.   In the case of the FT-1000MP, it appears to be a
> deliberately designed peaking -- the peak is "centered" near the AFSK
> tone pair that you have selected to use.
> To see the FT-1000MP's variability, you can look at the following URL
> UsersManual.html#equalizer
> Scroll below the two control panels and you will see the graphical
> display of the variability.  (In this program, you enter the measured
> power in that second column on the left, and the program splines the
> "curve" to produce the power correction that is applied to the
> transmitted signal when you "click on the waterfall.")
> 73
> Chen, W7AY
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