The Elecraft K3 Utility program, is a great thing to have and is 
handy as an extra pair of hands.  It provides, not only the conduit 
to upload firmware and make changes in the K3 but it also has a 
really nice terminal program to display what the K3 has decoded.  
My request is for an addition in the Terminal section.   

If I had a chance to suggest an addition to this program, however, 
I would ask that the use of the Memory keys be available as a 
one click operation rather than two but to make that addition as 
an option.  Now, one must click on the Memory button and then 
on the Transmit button when you want to actually send it.  Often 
this is exactly how you want to use this feature, however, if an 
option was added (TX data immediately) to just click on the 
Memory button and it adds the memory data to the buffer and 
immediately transmits it, that would save a step and often times, 
this could be extra helpful.  I also would hope it could be optional 
so the times where you want to have the message "locked and 
loaded" and ready to be sent at just the right time as it is now.  
Also the current way allows multiple messages to be combined in 
the buffer.  This request is for an "in addition to" and not an "in 
place of" which, by the way is the same answer I gave my wife 
when I told her I was ordering a K3 and she asked, "Which radio 
does it replace?"

A second request along the same line, is to have an "Ooops" 
button to clear the transmit buffer like the current Clear button 
which flushes the received buffer.  Obviously, if the first request 
above was made (immediate TX on Memory button click) but not 
made optional, there would be no need for this second request.

Personally, I'd like to see both options implemented.

Still, the K3 Utility program is a super addition to K3 operation, 
just the way it is now.

Thanks and 73,
Jim - K5LAD

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