Now that 6 and 10 meters have been open to Europe and Africa, I frequent these bands for the first time in the six months of owning a factory built K3 radio.
What I've discovered and reported to factory tech support is a very noticable hash noise while in the receive mode with any bandwidth centered around 28.000 MHz to 28.050 MHz. And, it is also present while tuning RIT. It sounds like synthesizer switching noise and its repetition rate increses when the VFO is set to fine tuning. I do not hear it on any other band. I also don't hear it over the entire 10 meter band, just the region as stated. Is this in other K3s or is there something going on that needs attention in only my radio? I called factory tech support over a week ago. Since they have not come up with an answer it seemed time to open it up to a wider group of users. Thanks 73, John, W1QS ______________________________________________________________ Elecraft mailing list Home: Help: Post: This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: