
Thanks for your comments.  In general, it seems more people favor the 
KX-1. I was thinking more about building a kit than I was what I would 
ultimately use it for.  So being prodded by this question multiple 
times, I concluded that clearly the portability is an issue and that 
favors the KX-1.  So my order is placed and I now look forward to the 
arrival of yet another white box.

73, Doug -- K0DXV

WA6L wrote:
> Hi, Doug,
> That is a tough one.  You might want to start (if you haven't already) with
> the KX-1 FAQ at   This also has a
> section on KX-1 and K1 comparison.
> I built a K1 and ended up selling it after getting my KX-1.  I do have to
> say that I miss the K1, but for me the KX-1 was a better fit.  As others
> have said, you need to determine what you are going to do with the radio and
> go from there.
> The big advantage to the KX-1 is its portability.  I have mine in a small
> case with ear buds, two small spools of wire (my antenna) and the BNC to
> binding post adapter.  I can throw this into any suitcase or backpack and
> have a radio with me wherever I go.  
> Once you get where you are going, you an be up and running in minutes.  The
> built-in paddles mean that all you need is a place to sit.  No table
> required.  I have modified the battery setup on my KX-1 to get 12VDC and 3.5
> watts, so the difference in power between it and K1 is negligible.
> What do I miss on the K1?   The primary thing is 15 meters.  I wish I could
> get that on the KX-1, but I think I will build a MFJ Cub to cover that band.
> At any rate, you will have fun building and operating the rig no matter
> which way you go.  Good luck and enjoy your recovery!
> 73,
> John, WA6L
> Doug Person wrote:
>> While I hang around the recovering from my back surgery and a nasty case 
>> of pneumonia, I've run out of projects that require melting solder.  
>> This  of course means its time to order another kit.  After spending 
>> hours (I have lots of time) researching kits, I, naturally, arrived back 
>> at reading the QST reviews of the K1 and KX1.  I've built 
>> them both before and it will certainly be a joy once again regardless of 
>> which I choose.
>> It seems I just can't operate cw with the K3.  Not that it isn't 
>> fantastic - its just, well, too easy.  So another QRP radio is what I
>> need.
>> I just can't seem to decide between the KX1 and the K1. And, no, I can't 
>> buy both.
>> I did look at a few single band kits.  But then I start pinging and 
>> ponging over 40 VS: 20.  I gotta have both.
>> So, what? flip a coin? Have my wife choose?
>> Dilemma.
>> 73, Doug -- K0DXV
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