>The one effect you see with cheap headphones is an over-emphasis of the
>higher audio frequencies...that makes the hiss(that we commonly
>encounter with receiver circuits) quite a bit louder.

Watch out for the cheapies with "MegaBass", too. They have a 
grotesque hump in their frequency response at around 60 Hz, the old 
"Wurlitzer effect", that makes them sound really bad.

If you're looking for closed type phones that cover the entire ear, 
I've personally settled on the Extreme Isolation EX-29 phones. They 
really do have 29 dB or so of external sound isolation together with 
great full-spectrum response. They're designed primarily for 
musicians, especially drummers, who need to monitor their own parts 
over a surrounding band. These are the only phones at a decent price 
I have ever found that let me use transmit monitoring with a boom 
microphone with zero feedback problems. I glued a boom microphone 
from a defunct Heil BM-10 set to one earcup and ended up with a 
really great combination. At around $100 street price, they're a good value.

Randy, W8FN 

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