
I'll try to keep this short (but I've NEVER been able to do that before, dunno
why I think I can do it now)...

I while back, I wrote that I had a limited supply of the W3FPR Fixed Level AF
Output PC Board (for the K2) available and that when they were gone, there'd
be no more available.

Of course, I received a slug of orders, which decimated the supply..!

One of my customers ordered two (2) boards which I duly mailed off to him.

They were never delivered. (FIRST TIME I've actually had a non-delivery, out
of several HUNDRED previous shipments).  So I sent him the LAST TWO PC boards
in stock (I'd held them back as 'backups' in case his first shipment didn't

Imagine my amazement when he called to say that the second shipment FILED to
arrive as well!!!!!

I'd asked him to exercise (even more) patience, and to give another 7-10 days
for the package to be delivered.

Though neither the first  nor second envelopes were delivered to 
their destination,
they did (finally) come BACK TO ME... marked, "NO SUCH ADDRESS - 

Turns out the purchaser made a typo when he sent his mailing address to me,
reversing two digits in the street address.

Sooo... I've now sent two PCBs to him (at the correct address) and I have two
PC boards remaining.  BOTH of the remaining PC boards are potentially COMMITTED
to folks who I had to (initially) turn down for orders.

I have sent an 'availability' note to one of those folks, BUT I've managed to
lose the name/address of the last remaining potential purchaser.

Owing to the honesty of hams, I'm now asking that IF you were the person I had
to turn down on the purchase, PLEASE CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY at N0SS.NET... I
have your PC board waiting to go out to you.

If it turns out the one or both of those potential purchasers no 
longer want the
PC boards, I'll announce that they are again available.

Told ya, I couldn't type a short note!  Sorry!!!


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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