Guys... Hold on...

I have my reasons... Hear me out...

>Why pre-DSP?  

Maybe I should have said "Before the input of the active
audio processing area in the DSP section of the radio". 
That is, a way to control analog "dynamic range" at the
input of the RF Clipper section of the DSP audio chain.  

What I was suggesting is an AGC funtion before the RF
Clipping section touches the audio waveform.  Something to
smooth out the dynamic range of the audio input so that the
DSP processing engine would not have to work so hard dealing
with peaks and valleys and can be "let loose" some.  

The K3's DSP audio management software understands the
Nyquist Limit of its ADC, and it plays a very conservative
game  :)  The RF Clipper does a good job of controlling
these, always keeping them within the ADC's non distorting
range, but nothing is perfect.  If you hit the input stage
too hard (ever get excited calling a DX Station or a
Multiplier?) the clipper grabs the peak, which then reduces
the overall audio level.  Since the decay value is somewhat
slower than the attack, you end up "punching a hole" in the
audio.  Im really nitpicking here... Its really minor, but I
notice it and have learned to live with it.  But it *IS*

>He can do that in firmware.  

Thats just fine with me.  I dont care if he does it with
Squirrels on a treadmill, if it can be done, Im all for it!

>You can forget about a hardware mod.  

I was not aware that I was requesting a hardware mod.  Where
did you get that idea?  I dont care how its done.  I just
hope that it *CAN* be done.

>Why do we keep trying to remake a digital radio into an
analog radio?  

I was not aware that only *analog* radios had an AGC ahead
of a limiter.  I know many broadcast digital processors that
have these features incorporated in software.  You can
always go to the nearest pawn shop and buy a Aphex Compellor
and a mic preamp and do the same thing.  Just would be nice
to have it all in one box.

>A DSP version can have options.  

Exactly!  This is just one more option!

>Just has to get in line with all the other things taking
resources in a small business.

I have no problem with that.  K3 is not broken, Im not
trying to fix it.  Just in my opinion this would be a very
useful feature.  Its up to Wayne and his staff to make the
ultimate decision.  If I want to fix it, I have to dust off
my Compellor and add some complexity to my station.  I dont
want to do that.

>How do you define "headroom"?

The difference between when the input to the DSP is at its
highest point (100% signal saturation) and the point where
the input waveform clips appreciably (usually 10% above full
modulation is a standard measurement) in an RMS waveform. 
Remember we are using a ADC here.  It QUANTIZES the analog
waveform in finite steps (254?  1024?   Only Lyle knows what
he has implemented).  If its, for example, 0 to 254, then
255 is distortion because the value is undefined and is
truncated in the quantization matrix.  You have hit the
Nyquist wall!  

For instance, in professional digital videotape machines,
maximum level is defined as 
-20dB (-20dB = 0VU in analog) and "saturation" is defined as
0dB (the "clip point" in analog).  The difference between
these levels is defined as "headroom" (the "Nyquist limit")
for those RMS peaks that happen in wide dynamic range

Back in the analog days we would use 0VU as the RMS
reference level, but the peaks could go all the way into the
red without distorting... But then analog systems went into
distortion "gracefully" a lot higher than 0VU;  they never
run out of numbers (reach the "Nyquist" limit), but they do
run out of the linear curve of the active devices in the
circuit.  Digital systems just clip when they run out of
numbers, so there is no margin for error, hence the "digital
overhead to account for analog dynamic range" built in to
digital audio recorders.

What Im saying is that since the difference in the K3 is
somewhat narrow, because we are playing conservatively, in
my opinion (I have not done quantitative testing, Its just
my "by ear" opinion), if there were some "dynamic range
leveling" before the ADC, it would be helpful to the overall
system efficiency.

I will shut up now, learn not to yell into the mic or go
plug in my Compellor  :)


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