I just finished building my K2 and seems to work pretty well except
that it does not received like I think it should.  I put it side by
side with my K1 and the K1 picked up signals better.  They were louder
and clearer on the K1 than the K2.  I have made about 3 passes through
the alignments and am comfortable with those. The S meter, when I am
listening to a strong signal, will barely come off the first bar. All
of the resistance and voltage checks along the build have come out
fine.  I am now deciding how to attack this issue and would appreciate
any suggestions anyone has.  I am going to be doing some of the
voltage checks from the back of the manual next week and also seeing
if I can find a 10 MHz crystal to make the signal generator to begin
that process.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts

Bob, AD7BP

"You are boldly going where no man knows what he is doing"  -Maarten
Schmidt, Palomar astronomer-
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