
 --- Donald Davison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : 
> Exhaustive Secret Ballots Standard (ESBS): by Donald Davison
>   * One secret vote per person.
>   * If one candidate has a majority on the first ballot, that candidate
> wins - election is over.
>   * If no candidate has a majority, then there will be a next ballot, etc,
> until there is a candidate with a majority.
>   * No candidates are eliminated, but a candidate is allowed to withdraw
> after any ballot.
>   * No voter is forced to change his vote, but any voter is allowed to
> change his vote on the next ballot.
>   * The final winner will be the result of the actions taken by the
> candidates and the voters.
>   * Whoever is the winner of the ESBS election is the correct winner.
>   * While we would not use Exhaustive Ballot for an election, any method
> that is used must be compared to ESBS, that is, does the method elect the
> ESBS-winner?
> Condorcet and Approval will not always elect the ESBS-winner.
> Irving will elect the ESBS-winner more often than Condorcet or Approval.

I believe Condorcet can be defined so that it meets ESBS:
Every voter votes for their favorite candidate.
While there is no majority favorite, eliminate the [insert name of Condorcet
method] Loser.

IRV, Baldwin (Borda-Elimination), Condorcet, and Approval-Elimination Runoff
can all be defined in a similar way.

Interesting to ask: What methods can't be defined in this way?
Plurality and Approval fail because you can't strictly rank.
Borda fails because you have to give all your points at once (similar problem).
Bucklin fails, I suppose, because the voters have to alter their votes even
when their higher preferences have not been eliminated.

Donald, would you agree that Approval-Elimination Runoff is more likely to
produce the ESBS Winner than IRV?  The IRV rule of "while there is no majority
favorite, eliminate the candidate who is currently the favorite of the fewest" 
seems less perceptive.

Kevin Venzke

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