> Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2003 08:41:52 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Alex Small" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [EM] real-world Condorcet election

> Other interesting feature:  Apparently the pairwise results yielded a
> transitive ranking of all 10 states.  There weren't even cycles among
> some of the less popular losers.  Remove the CW, redo the pairwise
> results, and there's a new CW.  All the way to the end.
> Anyway, here's a real data set for us to have fun with.

If "more interesting" results are required, I suppose the ballots cast in 
the Debian voting could be used for analysis instead.  I think Rob 
Lanphier mentioned this in Election Method message 1176.

Debian now use Condorcet Schwartz Sequential Dropping for electing project 
leaders and for proposals/referenda and have been for a year or two.  
Interesting to note that a couple of past Election Methods contributors 
have been involved with Debian...


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