Here's another example that might shed some light on why some IRV
supporters don't like Condorcet:

Suppose actual voter ratings are as follows:

A:10,D:1 - 49%
B:10,D:1 - 26%
C:10,D:1 - 25%

And the vote (which is merely ordinal) goes like this:

A,D - 49%
B,D - 26%
C,D - 25%

IRV: C is eliminated after the first round, then D is eliminated after the
second round, and A ends up beating B in the third round.

Condorcet: D wins.
 D vs. A - 51% to 49%
 D vs. B - 74% to 26%
 D vs. C - 75% to 25%

I think the IRV supporters might question how Condorcet could declare a
winner that wan't ranked first by a single voter, and who nobody really
seemed to like very much.

-Bill Clark

Ralph Nader for US President in 2004
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