Apropos my earlier supermajority idea, perhaps it is unnecessary to have
a separate 'consent' ballot, although it may make things a bit more clear.
That is, if you wanted to discard the 'consent' ballot, you could insert
the status quo as an option, and require that the winner of the base
method be ranked above the status quo by a supermajority in order to be

        For example, ranked pairs base method and 70% supermajority requirement.
Ballot: Ranked.
Tally: Ranked pairs tally to find winner A. If A is preferred over status
quo by 70% of the vote, enact A. If not, retain the status quo.


        Applying this to the alternate (inferior?) proposal... Again for 
ranked pairs as base method and 70% supermajority requirement.
Ballot: Ranked.
Tally: Eliminate non-members of minimal dominant set, and options not
preferred over status quo by 70% of the vote. If any options remain, do a
ranked pairs tally to decide the winner. If not, retain the status quo.

        Does all of this make sense?

my best,
James Green-Armytage

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