
In my definition of defensive strategy, I use the word "strategy". I haven't
defined strategy. There are 2 definitions of strategy that I've used in the
names of the majority defensive strategy criteria.
Though it's always possible that someone's first writing of a definition
needs improvement, this is how I, at least so far, state those 2

1. The choice of a way of voting to affect the outcome in a certain way
under certain specified conditions, when there isn't one obvious way of
voting that will always accomplish that under those conditions.

2. Any way of voting, when it's discussed in terms of its possible or
intended affect on the outcome.

[end of strategy definitions]

In the names of SFC & GSFC, definition #1 is intended. In the names of ESC &
SSSC, definiiton #2 is intended. For WDSC & SDSC, either would do.

In my definition of defensive strategy, definition #2 is enough.

Definition #1 is intended to tell what "strategy" means  in the names of SFC
& GSFC, to try to say what it is that the best methods are free of need for,
given the premise conditions of SFC & GSFC, for the purpose of justifying or
explaining the names of those criteria.  I don't claim that definition #1 is
 useful elsewhere.

Here's what I've meant by defensive strategy:

Strategy intended to protect the win of a CW, or to protect majority rule.

I define majority rule too, but that would be getting far from the subject
of this posting.

Mike Ossipoff

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