Yesterday I was talking about the possibility of determining what lottery would win a BeatpathWinner/CSSD or RP count against all the possible lotteries with a particular set of candidates, based on voters´ ballots. I forgot to add that, to find out how those voters would rank the lotteries, it would be necessary to have voters´ratings of the candidates. So it would be a ratings-balloting method.

Also, of course I have no idea how or if one could find out what lottery would win in Condorcet against all the other possible lotteries. As an outcome, a particular candidate could be spoken of as a lottery which that candidate wins with a probability of 100%, and such lotteries are included in "all the possible lotteries with a particular set of candidates".

Also, I have no idea whether or not such a method, even if do-able, would improve on, or even equal, the merit of Condorcet(wv).

I just mention that possible method because Forest spoke of a Condorcet count among lotteries.

Mike Ossipoff

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