Russ said:

(as a definition of SFC)

SFC: Suppose A >> B. Then partial individual rankings can be completed
in such a manner that no preferences are reversed and candidate B must
be elected with zero probability.

I reply:

You didnīt stipulate that A is in the sincere Smith set and B isnīt, or that no one falsifies a preference, or that A is the CW. And thereīs nothing in SFC about the completion of partial individual rankings.

As I said, we could play that guessing-game from now on, but it would make more sense to let me define my criteria.

We now have Markus-Non-SFC, Markus-Non-GSFC, and Russ-Non-SFC Thereīs nothing wrong with defining new criteria, of course. But, when you do, theyīre yours, not mine.

Hereīs the actual definition of SFC:


If no one falsifies a preference, and if a majority prefer the CW to candidate Y, and vote sincerely, then Y shouldnīt win.

[end of SFC definition]

Which part of that donīt you undestand?

Mike Ossipoff

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