Hello.  This email is an invitation to join
the "range voting" email group and save the world.

Range voting is an improved voting
method related to "approval voting".  It will vastly
improve those governments which adopt it.  The improvement is huge
and the cost is near zero.  Many defects of the US government will
be fixed immediately once range voting is adopted.
We are trying to organize a movement to, for example, cause the
Iowa 2008 caucuses to be run by one or more major
parties using Range Voting.

If you want to find out more about range voting, contribute to
the discussion, and help with the Iowa 2008 or related
political/lobbying efforts, then join our email group by pointing
your browser to


and following the sign-up instructions.
(Press "join this group!" or "new user? sign up")
Once you succeed in joining the group (you will not receive spam!)
you then will receive a join-up message containing more information about how
to do whatever you then want to do.  If you join the group you will receive
emails (e.g. a "daily digest" email) from other posters in the group.
Also all posts will be available to all in a text-searchable archive
and please click "links" to get more info on a variety of topics.
If you wish to unsubscribe, that will also be easy (says how in
join-up message).

You can also help advertise the group and/or invite others to join
the group.  Please do!  To make this a credible force that politicians
have to pay some attention to, we would like to get at least 1000 members!

Good kinds of people to solicit:   activists,
people connected to or high inside political parties (both major and third 
politicians,  Iowans,  political and computer scientists,  and
other related email-groups (en masse).

(About me: I am a mathematician writing a book about "mathematics and 
-Warren D. Smith

Election-methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

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