Hi again.

Back to the question of when we can assume convergence in case of
repeated approval polls, I found out the following:

Let me first recall that when voters use 0-info strategy (to maximize
expected utility) or Weinstein's strategy (to maximize median utility)
and adjust their priors by moving them towards the last poll's winner,
convergence is guaranteed since successive winners' approval scores must

On the contrary, recall also that when voters use strategy A, the polls
need not converge even if the priors converge.

Now, here comes more evidence that adjustment strategies which take into
account more than just the polls' winners are unlikely to yield convergence:
  Assume each voter i maximizes expected utility by using 0-info
strategy, starts with some initial set of priors  p(x,i,0),  and all
voters adjust their priors after each poll by moving them towards the
lottery which puts weight  l(r) to the r-th ranked candidate of the last
poll, where
    l(1) >= l(2) >= ... >= l(k) > 0  for some k>1, and
    l(r)=0  for all r>k.
For example, if k=3, l(1)=1/2, and l(2)=l(3)=1/4, then this means that
after each poll, voters move their priors "a half step" towards the
winner and "a quarter step" each towards the second and third placed
  Then there is a situation in which the process cannot converge: it
consists of k+1 candidates 0,...,k and k+1 voters 0,...,k, with a cyclic
shape of utilities as follows: voter 0 assigns utility 0 to candidate 0
and utility  1-l(k)^x  to all other candidates x>0. Analogously, voter i
assigns utility 0 to candidate i, utility  1-l(k)^(x-i)  to all
candidates x>i, and utility  1-l(k)^(x+k+1-i)  to all candidates x<i.
Now assume the process would converge, so that eventually the approval
ranking is stable, and let without loss of generality candidate 0 be the
last ranked candidate in that limit ranking. Then eventually all priors
are arbitrarily close to the vector (l(1),l(2),...,l(k),0). But when
compute the resulting cutoffs from these limit priors, we see that voter
0 has a cutoff larger than 0 and less than 1-l(k)^2, and all other
voters have cutoffs larger than 0 and less than 1-l(k). Consequently,
voter 0 approves of candidates 2,3,...,k, and each other voter i
approves of all candidates except i. But this means that candidate 0
gets approval k whereas candidate 1 only gets approval k-1, in
contradiction to the fact that candidate 1 was ranked before candidate
0. QED.

I am not sure yet whether a similar counterexample applies to
Weinstein's strategy, too, but I fear this will be the case.

So it seems that in order to guarantee convergence, voters indeed need
to focus on the polls winners only, or at least let their adjustment
weights for later candidates converge to zero over time.

This is a pity since I hoped that a good strategy would be to place
equal weights on the first two candidates, since then the priors would
probably be better approximations to the probability of being in a
two-way tie as required for the justification of 0-info strategy...


Simmons, Forest wrote:

> Jobst gave examples in which optimal approval strategy for someone with
> preferences A>B>C>D would be to approve only A and C. 
> Mike Ossipoff and Richard Moore first made me aware of these
> counterintuitive possibilities.  But I still believe that one would have
> to have impossibly precise and reliable probability and utility
> estimates before one would gain a significant advantage by skipping over
> B. 
> Usually the probabilities and the utilities are crude subjective
> estimates.  However, in the case of repeated balloting, the
> probabilities get refined (if we can figure out how to do it!), and for
> the sake of idealization we can assume that the utilities are precise,
> too. 
> If we can find a repeated balloting method that take these
> refinements into account, then great, but if it is only tractable to
> forget the tie probabilites and use the simpler "cutoff" style
> strategies, then no big loss.
> Forest

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