
On Aug 19, 2005, at 04:05, Warren Smith wrote:

Finally, it has been claimed that I make a lot of "unsupported statements"
about range voting.  (Which itself was an unsupported statement...)
If a list of such statements is brought to my
attention, I will try to back them up.  In fact I have already done
so on various occasions and the CRV web site also backs me up
a good deal.  But anyhow, whatever statement you find insufficiently
supported, query me on and I'll try to get back
to EM on that statement.  I believe everything I say is supported,
...  but I am not perfect.   Anyhow please let me know.  Thank you.

I can't sum up the claims that have been made but I'll summarise my thoughts. My only complaint is that you seem to have an optimistic view of range voting and a pessimistic view on Condorcet methods. (This viewpoint was already mentioned by some others too.) I believe many people on this list feel that range/rating based methods would be superior to ranking based methods except that the strategic voting problems of range/rating reduce their value in contentious elections so much that we may need to satisfy with the less expressive rating based methods. Simple as that. I don't attach any good examples of the vulnerabilities of range/ratings here but I guess they have already been distributed (or someone will find some good examples if you want some representative and serious ones to be pointed out).

Best Regards,

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