Warren (wds) asked if I could be more precise about reason #17.

> 17.  It is resistant to the burying strategy that plagues some
> Condorcet methods.  This is related to reason number 9.

The expert on burying in Condorcet methods is James Green-Armytage, who 
invented a method called "Cardinal Weighted Pairwise"  to take care of the 
problem.  When the "cardinal" part of Cardinal Pairwise is  limited to two 
values, he calls the method Approval Weighted Pairwise (AWP), which is very 
similar to DMC.
Any serious Condorcet advocate should be familiar with James' work.  For an 
introduction see 
More discussion on this is found in the thread which contains the following 
seminal message:
explaining how DMC, AWP, and "Approval Margins"  (AM) are related to each 
other, and how they fit into the family of Condorcet methods, and also 
comparing their effectiveness against burying.
Here's when I first saw the light that DMC was the best Condorcet proposal:
I hope that's helpful.
P.S.  Warren, I did "invent" a few Condorcet PR variations a few years ago when 
I was first introduced to CPO-STV and thought I could improve upon it.  
Although I made some progress I didn't consider any of it practical enough to 
compete with sequential PAV.
The other main contributions of mine have been with regard to (1) Dyadic 
Approval ballots and (2) Lottery methods.  You might want to look into Dyadic 
Approval before you re-discover it.  It might be more fun to try to guess what 
the name means.  If you guess wrong, you'll probably have something better than 
what I did!


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