At 2:04 PM -0800 3/14/03, Steve Eppley wrote:
> Deterministic#1 is more likely to return more than
 1 winner than some other versions, and I don't know if
 it always meets Monotonicity & ICC. But it doesn't bother
 me if it violates them only if there are several equally
 strongest unkept defeats.

I seem to recall that when I looked at "Deterministic#1" a couple of years ago, it violated monotonicity. I don't remember checking for clone independence.

I would be quite interested to learning if D#1 did violate monotonicity or clone independence.

My primary problem with MAM is the need to anything that is random. I would not advocate the use of pseudo-random number generators as I would not trust them to be truly random - I might even think (but could not prove) the lack of true randomness could cause MAM to violate certain, important criteria.

Could use such things as a coin, but those things can be manipulated as well and it could become impractical for a vote consisting of a large number of options.

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