Hi everyone,

I just wanted to put another plug in for Electorama! The good news is that
the site is up and running, and there's been no shortage of stuff for me
to post.  To see the numerous updates, visit http://electorama.com

Article headlines to date include:

In the news:
"San Francisco may need to hand count next election" -- Mar 18, 2003
"Political brokering in the land of IRV" -- Mar 15, 2003
"New Political Party in UK" --  Mar 14, 2003
"UCSD picks IRV over Condorcet, Approval, and Plurality" -- Mar 10,
"Time to stuff the ballot box at e.thePeople ;-)" -- Mar 10, 2003
"South Africa Reevaluating Use of Proportional Representation" -- Mar
10, 2003

"Olympia Libertarians to discuss Instant Runoff" -- Posted Mar 20,
"Meeting of Washington Citizens for Proportional Representation" --
Posted Mar 19, 2003
"Law Commission of Canada Holding Public Consultations" -- Posted Mar
12, 2003

"Kuro5hin: New Zealand's Mixed Member Proportional electoral system"
"Salon: Open Letter To Nader Voters"
"Crossover candidates don't have to be bland"

The bad news is that I'm the only one posting.  Please come by, sign up
for an account, and post an item or two.  Story submissions would be
especially welcome at this point.

Rob Lanphier

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