
I think it can be said that this method (rankings and approval of pairs) isn't 
clone-proof.  A
major party will want to run two candidates, in attempt to get both into the second 
stage.  It's
like approval with runoff.

 --- Forest Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> Is there any simpler method that factors all of the strategy away from the
> rankings or ratings of the candidates?

Sure.  Have an approval cutoff in the rankings.  If there is no CW, elect the approval 

I'm increasingly fond of the idea of having Condorcet where no candidate may win who 
isn't a first
choice of 20% or so (arbitrary threshold).  The "first-place mentions" winner could 
suffice in the
absence of a CW, too.  That would encourage voters to provide more information about 
candidates are acceptable (because we *know* first-place is "approved"), and wouldn't 
require as
much thought from the voter as placing an approval cutoff would.

Kevin Venzke

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