Mr. Eppley wrote in part-

My software generates voters' rankings (randomly), and turns up scenarios 
where IBCM & MTM (majoritarian Tideman) are decisive and disagree.  Here's an 
example which closes the question affirmatively:

   32 voters' rankings:    
   3: ABCD
   3: ABDC
   1: ADBC
   2: BADC
   1: BCAD
   2: BCDA
   2: CABD
   2: CBAD
   2: CBDA
   2: CDAB
   1: CDBA
   2: DABC
   2: DACB
   1: DBAC
   3: DBCA
   3: DCAB

   Majorities: AB18,CA18,DA18,BC18,BD17,DC17

   IBCM elects:    B
   MTM elects:     D
   Schulze elects: D
   Choice Votes
     1     2      1+2

A   7     8    15
B   5    14    19 Only majority
C   9      6    15
D   11    4     15

     32   32   64

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