12 3
34 AB C
33 BC A
32 CA B

If rank 1 YES votes are combined with rank 2 Conditional YES votes, then

A 66
B 67 Max. (due to the second choice A votes)
C 65

However if clone Z of A is added, then there is--

     12  34
34 AZ  BC
33 BC  AZ
32 CA  ZB

1 plus 2 ranks

A 66 Max.
B 33
C 65
Z 34

However, such is the way the voters have voted.

However, there is the lurking IRV if there is no Condorcet winner.

34 AB C
33 BC A
32 CA B

If C loses, then A wins in both the 3 and 4 choice examples--

66 A
33 B

Thus, for the single winner case should there be--

YES majorities
head to head if 2 or more YES majorities
       remove lowest first choice, redo head to head 

(i.e. no removal of clones and no summing of rank votes to break ties) ???

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