A visual aid for the Conditional YES votes method--

                  Real rank position

              1    2    3    4    5   Totals
A           A1 A2  etc.
B           B1  B2 etc.
C            etc.

There would be a YES table and a NO table.

There are 2P-1 possible majorities where P is the rank position.

P                   1     2     3     4     5
Poss Maj       1     3     5     7     9

35 ABC
34 BCA
31 CAB

Assume all the 1 and 2 position votes are YES votes.
A 66
B 69
C 65

All 3 choices get YES majorities.

In real elections (as if all the U.S. President candidates were running using 
the above), many choices would obviously get NO majorities (i.e. only 4 or 5 
of about 15 candidates had a realistic chance to get a majority YES vote).

Thus, it would appear that even with a relatively large number of choices, 
there would be a limited number of accumulated YES majorities in the first 
few positions (with even a more limited chance for circular ties).

Note - Simple Approval Voting ignores the real rank positions of the YES 
votes (i.e. looks only at the YES totals) and thus ignores early position YES 
majorities (after removing the NO majority choices and moving the remaining 
YES votes to the left on the involved ballots).

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