Craig Carey wrote:

>  >>  >   99 ABCDEFGHIJ
>  >>  >    1 J
>  >
>  >
>  >I can't speak for Mike, nor do I know the probability of the above
>  >example occurring, but if it does I can tell you the probability that J
>  >would win (assuming the voters are rational):  zero.
>  >
> **  The probability of J winning in an Approval Vote seems to be able to
> **  equal 1. That would occur in the 2 winner case. It would occur even in
> **  an election where there were 26 candidates and 25 winners and the same
> **  "99, 1" votes.

But there IS no 2 (or more) winner case in approval voting.  Approval is
a single-winner method.

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