Dear Mike,

you wrote (2 Oct 2000):
> IRV, in examples like that, fails to elect the SCW, even when he's
> the favorite of more people than any other candidate is. At least
> FPP won't do that.

Of course, it is also possible to create examples where IRV chooses
a SCW and FPP doesn't.


You wrote (2 Oct 2000):
> Can I call that IFCC? Doesn't IFCC say that if we delete from the
> ballots 1 or more candidates from a clone set, and recount the ballots,
> that shouldn't change the matter of whether or not the winner comes
> from that clone set?
> That doesn't seem very useful. If we turn it around and add clones,
> and hold a new balloting after adding them, the criterion only applies
> if no one changes their vote.
> How likely is it that no one would vote differently if new candidates
> are added? A criterion that assumes that seems real useless.
> The IFCC would be more useful if it spoke of adding candidates and
> holding a new balloting in which voters don't necessarily vote the same
> way, but whose votes or vote-changes are somehow constrained.
> For instance, maybe they always vote to maximize their utility
> expectation (we then have to specify utilities in our examples),
> or maybe they just always vote in an undominated way. Maybe, then, they
> don't change their vote unless to not do so would result in a dominated
> strategy. These are just possibilities that I mention. But saying that
> they don't change their vote is entirely unrealistic.
> So say a method meets IFCC. Would it meet a more realistic version?
> Maybe not, and so I suggest that meeting IFCC doesn't mean a whole lot.

I don't believe that you don't consider independence from clones to be
important. Otherwise you would concentrate only on PC and you wouldn't
promote three methods in your website.

PC is the best Condorcet method when one concentrates only on
strategical voting and ignores strategical nomination. PC meets
Saari's positive involvement criterion and Fishburn's no-show
criterion. PC guarantees that a dichotomous voter cannot be
punished for showing up and voting sincerely.

PC isn't vulnerable to what Steve calls "indirect strategies."
That means: If PC is used then it isn't possible to change the
winner from candidate A to candidate B by ranking two different
candidates C and D insincerely to each other.

Therefore when you don't consider independence from clones to
be important then why do you promote more methods than just PC?

Markus Schulze

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