My points are that:
Condorcet presents the SAME ballot rules to the voter as IRV - simply relaxed a trifle - a voter could vote by IRV rules, successfully. While Condorcet analyzes the ballot more like what would pass for tournament rules, it will usually agree with IRV as to winner: IRV cares only about front runners, discarding what it sees as the weakest of these and declaring the strongest remaining as winner. Condorcet compares every pair of candidates as in a tournament (how many A>B (A ranked and B ranked lower or not ranked) vs B>A (B ranked and A ranked lower or not ranked). The candidate winning every one of its pairs is winner. Front runners that IRV looks for are in a good position to win such a Condorcet tournament.

Carrying IRV's front runner emphasis to extremes, both would declare A the winner in the following:
     2 A
     1 B>A
     1 C>A
     3 D>A
     4 E>A
     10 F>A
20 G>A Point here is that this constructed pattern let A beat G 21>20 by IRV rules, while many somewhat similar patterns would have let A win in Condorcet - which does not care if A is ever a front runner - only about its complete liking.

Implementing programming differs among these election methods - but they are not especially complex, beyond ability to read ranked voting, and voters need not worry about details.

IRV needs an array with a member for each candidate, counting front runners. Once the least popular is identified, the ballots need recounting of who is front runners among those not yet discarded.

Condorcet needs an NxN matrix to count all the A>B and B>A values, but only needs to read each ballot one time for this. Ok to read ballots into multiple matrices, such as one per precinct, for such can be summed into a result matrix.

SHOULD be of interest to voters that the matrix describes liking levels among all the pairs of candidates - useful for analysis and planning for future.

Condorcet cycles are near ties of three or more candidates such that each almost wins - A except for B>A, B except for C>B, and C except for A>C. Voters need to know this much, and programmers need to be able to defend their resolution to those voters asking for such.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Election-Methods] A Better Version of IRV?
To: EM <>

On Sat, 12 Jul 2008 21:09:15 +0300 Juho wrote:
On Jul 12, 2008, at 17:56 , Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote:

Dave Ketchum wrote:

Again, why NOT Condorcet?
Its' ballot is ranking, essentially the same as IRV, except the directions better be more intelligent: Rank as many as you choose - ranking all is acceptable IF you choose. Rank as few as you choose - bullet voting is acceptable if that completes a voter's desired expression.
     Equal ranking permitted.
Condorcet usually awards the same winner as IRV.  Major differences:
Condorcet looks at ALL that the voters rank, while IRV ignores parts.
     Condorcet recognizes near ties, and tries to respond  accordingly.
Could be a debate about the near ties - would it be better to resolve such with a runoff? Runoffs take time and are expensive. Are they enough better than what Condorcet can do with the original vote counts?

On technical merit alone, why not Condorcet indeed? But the thread was about momentum. In the situation where IRV can't be stopped, what is the best way to nudge IRV towards something more desirable while still keeping it IRV-ish enough that it'll retain the momentum of "pure IRV"?

I argue above that Condorcet, using the same ballot and usually finding the same winner, is about as close to IRV as could be reasonably asked.

One very simple approach would be to promote ranked methods as one group. Just join the bandwagon, include all methods and leave the details of the method to be decided later (pick the best then). The delta from plurality to ranked methods and achieved improvements are clear.

One modification that's been mentioned before is bottom two runoff - eliminate the one of the two last placed that fewer prefer to the other. That would ensure a Condorcet winner always wins, but to core IRV supporters, that's a weakness, because the Condorcet winner could be a weak centrist. The ameliorated procedure would also fail LNHarm.

If the people on which the momentum is based would support any sort of elimination procedure, then I think Borda-elimination would be better; so what one really has to ask is, if IRV is unstoppable, then how far from pure IRV can you go and still have it be IRV? IRV with candidate withdrawal? IRV with candidate completion? BTR-IRV? Schwartz,IRV? Any sort of elimination system? Any sort of ranked ballot system?

One argument against Condorcet, which one may call half-technical, is complexity. It's technical because it regards the method itself and not whether Condorcet Winners are good winners (or similar), and nontechnical because what's complex to a computer may not be complex to a person and vice versa.

What the voter needs to know is not complex. Debating how to resolve cycles is complex, but the implemented election method needs little more than that it should be rare and is a bit better than a lottery among almost equals. That the debating and implementing is a challenge, but the voters need not be concerned - except those who are gluttons for punishment.

As far as complexity with regards to Condorcet goes, the good Condorcet methods are complex. Schulze may be easy to program (once you know the beatpath algorithm), but explaining beatpaths to the average voter is going to be hard. Copeland is easy but not very good and ties a lot.

Some Condorcet methods are simple, like minmax. It is good too. I note that you later referred to cloneproof methods as good methods. Minmax is not fully cloneproof but I don't think that is a problem. (Same with not being fully Condorcet loser compliant.)

If your favourite Condorcet method is complex then it may better start with promoting Condorcet methods in general. I think it is in any case a mistake to dive into the details of the methods when promoting an electoral reform. Citizens and politicians are simply not interested in such dives (would be counterproductive). Better to use some more general arguments that are linked to the reform needs at more general level.

One thing I've observed is that IRV focuses on how the process is done, while Condorcet methods focus on properties ("the winner is the candidate which wins all one-on-one contests"). I'd say explaining properties would be more easily understood than explaining the process, but apparently this isn't a great limitation for IRV, given its momentum so far.

IRV is typically described as it it was a "public fight" between candidates where the candidates are eliminated one at a time. This is a very appealing style because of the very real life like and exiting image it offers. The description also sounds quite fair (at least at first sight).

So I listened to those who call Condorcet a tournament with the winner winning the election.

There are also differences in how different Condorcet methods are described. To me methods that are justified using (possibly long) beat paths are philosophically different from methods that are based on evaluating the more local properties of individual candidates (e.g. minmax).

(Also the philosophy of finding a complete ordering of the candidates is different from the philosophy of just identifying the best candidate without establishing a complete order. The interesting point is that individual preferences of the voters are usually expected to linear while it is known that group opinions may well be cyclic (just a natural property, not a fault that should be somehow corrected).)

Doing complete ordering has to be more complex than finding a single winner.

Cycling is natural, but only matters when candidates are near enough to a tie to make it possible.

Perhaps Ranked Pairs would have a chance? It's one of the better Condorcet methods (cloneproof, etc), and if people accept the pairwise comparison idea, it should follow quite easily. Say something like that you can't please everyone all the time, so please most, which is to say that one locks preferences in the order of greatest victories first. Then anyone complaining because his group's (cyclic) preference was not locked could be rebutted by a larger group saying that if it had been, more people (namely, that larger group) would have been overridden. Here you have both method (locking) and properties (group complaint "immunity"), as well.

It'd be interesting to investigate which simple or intuitive methods are the best. I don't know what would constitute simple to voters, perhaps "Of those candidates that [some statement], choose the one that [some statement]", or "[Somehow reduce the set of candidates] until [criterion is met], then that one is the winner" for various sentence parts inside the brackets. Those are all method-based explanations; maybe property-based ones would be better. If the voter trusts that the method does what the property says, and the property is desirable, then that could be the case.

I'll continue my "minmax campaign" a bit more. The best part of minmax (margins) (and the reason why I'm interested in it) is that it has a very natural (and easy to understand) description and justification. It elects the candidate that needs the least number of additional votes (if any) to win each of the other candidates (in pairwise comparisons). I'd say that is a reasonably good description of a candidate that deserves to win (if one is looking for a good compromise candidate).

Methods for resolving cycles are important, but are best left as a detail to be debated AFTER resolving the other major details.

 Dave Ketchum   108 Halstead Ave, Owego, NY  13827-1708   607-687-5026
           Do to no one what you would not want done to you.
                 If you want peace, work for justice.

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