On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:00 PM, Terry Bouricius
> The experience and excellent work of the Citizen Assembly
> established by the provincial parliament in British Columbia a few years
> ago is compelling evidence that elections may not be the key to genuinely
> representative democracy.

That is interesting.  The process seems to be that you register and
then they skew the odds for each person so that the resulting assembly
matches the distribution of the population at large.

Also, I think it is the perfect task for an assembly like that.
Examining new voting systems is an area where there is a conflict of
interests between the population and the legislators.

Drawing electoral boundaries would be another one.

I was looking at their BC-STV proposal.  What is the difference from
normal PR-STV (or is calling it BC-STV just a 'marketing ploy' :) )?

The only thing I could spot was compulsory meeting the quota in their
flowchart, but I assume that was just an error in the pdf.


According to the PDF, it would be possible for some seats to be left unfilled.
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